Licensing Program Analyst (LPA) Ashley Smith arrived unannounced to conduct a required annual visit, which has an emphasis on infection control practices and procedures. The LPA met with Executive Director Eileen Esquivel and informed them of the reason for the visit.
At 2:15 p.m., the Executive Director and LPA toured the physical plant areas inside and outside to ensure there are no health and safety hazards and community is in compliance with Title 22 Regulations.
Kitchen: The facility had a sufficient supply of two-day perishable and seven-day nonperishable food at the time of the visit. Food is prepared based on the resident’s diets. The menu was posted, and the facility offers an alternate menu. Snacks and beverages are available for residents throughout the day. The emergency supply food and water is sufficient.
Common Areas: Upon entry to the facility, there is a central entry point for symptom screening and temperature checks for residents, staff, and visitors. Staff were observed wearing appropriate face coverings throughout the visit. In addition, the LPA observed hands-free hand sanitizer interspersed throughout the common grounds.
There were no obstructions and/or tripping hazards throughout the facility. The facility maintains a comfortable temperature at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. There are fire extinguishers throughout the facility, which were charged and last serviced 8/2022. Planned activities are offered. Activity schedule is posted throughout the facility. The LPA observed staff engaging residents in group activities. All activity rooms and common spaces appeared clean and in good repair.
Common Restrooms: The LPA observed common restrooms throughout the community. Hand-washing signs were observed in the common restrooms. Restrooms were fully stocked with soap and paper towels. During today’s visit, the LPA tested water temperature and it registered at 116.9 degrees Fahrenheit.