Licensing Program Analyst (LPA) Kelly Dulek arrived at the facility unannounced to conduct a required annual visit at 03:18PM. This annual had a specific emphasis on infection control practices and procedures. Administrator Evelyn Rayas arrived at 03:46PM. Entrance interview conducted.
The LPA, along with facility Administrator, toured the physical plant areas inside and outside to ensure there are no health and safety hazards and facility is in compliance with Title 22 Regulations. The following was observed:
COMMON SPACES: In the common areas, walls and flooring were checked for cleanliness and good condition. At the time of the visit, family room, living room and dining room furniture was observed to be in good condition. The LPA observed the required postings in the common area.
The backyard has a covered outdoor area equipped with furniture for resident use. There were no bodies of water noted. The garage was observed locked and contained the laundry area, as well as emergency food supply, and storage.
KITCHEN: Kitchen appliances appeared to be in operable condition. The facility has a sufficient supply of perishable and non-perishable food. All knives and cleaning supplies were observed to be locked and properly stored at the time of the visit.
BEDROOMS: The LPA observed the resident bedrooms, which were furnished appropriately with clean linens, appropriate furnishings and sufficient lighting. There are 6 (six) total bedrooms; 5 (five) are for resident use and 1 (one) is designated as a staff room.
RESTROOMS: The LPA observed 3 restrooms in the facility; two are shared restrooms and one is a private restroom. Resident restrooms are clean and sanitary and in operating condition with grab bars and non-skid surfaces. Water temperature was checked in resident restrooms and measured within the required range. Report Continued on LIC 809-C